Joseph Sobotta - LPC

Have you ever felt so anxious or depressed that it was debilitating?  Maybe you have found yourself unable to make what is usually a simple decision.  Do you know what it is like to struggle just to stay out of bed longer than a few hours because you feel so drained of energy?  

You’re not alone.

Most of us have felt this way at some point in our lives.  Some of us find that these feelings and difficulties have become our ‘normal,’ and we have a hard time seeing any way to change.  We know we need some help.  Everyone does from time to time.

This is the reason that I bounce out of bed in the morning.  I’m passionate about helping you work through the obstacles that stand between you and enjoying this journey called life. 

I’m here to help you determine what a happy and healthy life can look like, and together, we will develop strategies to enable you to take back control of your days.  You will start to enjoy the simple things in life, like sunrises, new days, and opportunities to make a positive difference in the world around you.  

Let’s do this together.


At Turning Point Counseling and Consulting, we offer individual therapy, couples therapy, and children’s & teen’s therapy in Virginia Beach and Chesapeake. We also offer teletherapy and consulting.